Death source Reviews



5.8 Awesome

If you have ever had Thai food, I am sure you have tried Thai Iced Tea. A mixture of strong tea, lots of sugar and a strong cream, it goes well with Thai food, if you like a lot of strong favors, all at once.

Bali’s Best Roasted Garlic SriRacha Chili Sauce reminds me very much of that tea. Imported from Indonesia, this sauce has a consistency of a thick ketchup. The garlic hits you immediately and with full force, right before the heat and sweet does. The SriRacha chili I rated a heat level of 5, really could be a 4, but it does get stronger the more you eat. For appearance, I must say it’s a bit ‘chunky’ but the taste definitely rates a 9. Very flavorful, I’d even say robust, this sauce would be one to smother over pork or chicken. You will NOT be disappointed with this one!

  • Taste 7
  • Heat 5
  • Smell 3
  • Appearance 8
  • User Ratings (1 Votes) 9.1

Death source Reviews
Pretty hot.


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Be hottest, dude.

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